Well if that's true then I am absolutely fantastic!
I have moved around most of my life, being a pastors kid you don't get a lot of other options. We moved the first time when I was just a few months old and kept going from there. I always joked that I was part gypsy but I think there is some truth to that.
We have been in this town now for 12 years which is by far the longest I have ever lived anywhere. Now its coming to an end. My husband was promoted (yay) and we are moving 1000 miles away. Part of me is ready for the adventure but now that I have kids of my own, I worry about them. I always enjoyed picking up and moving to a new place. I could start all over. No one would know that I fell off the monkey bars at my school and my parents had to come and get me. Or that I had a huge crush on the most popular boy in school and he lived to torment me. I could be whoever I wanted to be and no one would know I was ever anything else. Of course it didn't always work out like that. Once a klutz always a klutz. Somethings follow you no matter where you go.
but how will my kids take it? Will they enjoy a new adventure? I have certainly made it seem like a grand adventure, we have visited our new town and they all seem to like it. The difference though is this is really the only town they have ever known. My son was born in Canada but we moved very early in his life, my girls have never lived anywhere else though.
So how do I make this easy on them? How do I make it the transition without worrying them? We have talked about it, we have looked online at different things to do and they seem excited. Then it starts to sink in that they will be not be with Nana anymore and they wont be able to see their same friends everyday.
To help offset this, since we will likely be moving after school starts, I have decided to home school them for the first semester. Otherwise I would have to start them in a new school here and then pull them out and start them again in our new town. Who knows? maybe they will like it and decide that we want to keep it up? But for now we are doing it to make sure they can get through the transition period a little easier. We can take our time in a our new house and find the school that fits them best if we decide not to continue homeschooling.
We are also very involved in our church here. My husband and I volunteer in the youth department and our kids love being there. Finding a church like this one is going to be tough. We really feel like they are family for us.
Some days I feel really overwhelmed by all that I am facing. I wonder how it is ever going to feel "normal" again. Other days I feel much more confident and know that whatever happens will be in Gods timing and not mine.
So like the title says "If change is good, I'm fantastic!"