Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To the soldier I met last week

I have been struggling with how to write this all week. I returned to Denver last week from an amazing girls weekend full of fun and laughter and great music. I was still processing all of that and coming down from that emotional high when I was dropped back into my real life feet first and at full speed. Only this time I had a new perspective. I sat down today and finally wrote out what I had been coming to terms with since my trip. This is what changed my view.

As I was flying out of Dulles airport in Washington DC last week, I noticed several military members boarding the flight with me. Not unusual given the area that we were leaving. The plane was almost empty and the flight attendent went through the cabin offering the rest of first class seats to those in uniform. I struck up a friendly but brief conversation with the soldier in the aisle next to me. He declined the upgrade and let his fellow soldiers go in front of him. I encouraged him to go too but he stayed back. Soon we were in the air and I started mentally going through my list of things that must be done when I got home. I had been away with my girlfriends that weekend and I had a long ways to go before I got home. I knew I had a lot to do so I plugged in my Ipod and started making notes of what needed to happen and when. My mum was visiting, my daughter had a play that night and I was concerned I may not make it in time, my other daughter had a science fair that night and how was I going to juggle all of that.... my list was long and yet every so often I would look up at the soldier in the next aisle and he would smile at me. We talked very little, with me being consumed with all I had to do, but he was very nice and he had a peace about him that I couldnt place until much later.

Soon we landed and I offerred to let him go in front of me to catch up with his friends. He declined and said "ladies first ma'am". As we walked off the plane together I said "that was an easy flight, but my next one is a long one. How about you?" He just smiled and said "I'm heading to Iraq tonight Ma'am." I stopped in my tracks, all of a sudden ashamed by selfishness. I had missed a golden opportunity to talk with this young man, to learn about him, to thank him. I hugged him and said "go with God" he just smiled and walked away. I wondered what his to do list must have looked like in the last few weeks. What plans he had made and friends he wanted to see before he left. Then I thought about all the things he would be missing while he was gone, the Birthdays, the visits, the projects around the house. My list seemed pretty small compared to all of that.

So, to the soldier that I wish I had gotten to know, I am sorry. I want you to know that I have prayed for you every day since we met. I have thought about you many times in the last week, when my life seemed crazy and out of control. I thought about you and I remembered that all things considered, my life is pretty quiet and not nearly as stressful as I used to think it was.

I owe a lot of that to you and those with whom you serve. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, heartfelt post. I couldn't help the tears from welling up as I read it. Thanks for the reminder about slowing down and appreciating all that we have in life.
