Monday, January 24, 2011

New journeys and old

"So how are you doing on your New Years resolutions?" How many times do we hear that towards the end of January? Most of us greet that with a groan because, hey lets face it, the intention was there and motivation was strong just a few short weeks ago but that fades and the changes that didnt become a habit are swept under the rug.

I turn 40 this year. I really dont mind getting older I see each year as a gift from God so the number doesnt mean anything to me. What does bother me though is how *I* have become unimportant in my own view. How did that happen? I used to care about myself, my body, how I felt about things. Being a mother and a wife and all of the other roles I have assumed over the years have swallowed up who I was. Now that may sound selfish but that is far from my intent. One of my resolutions this year was to get into better shape, not only physically but spritually as well. I put a number on the physical part, 40 for 40 that was, and is, my goal. I am working towards that and I do believe I will get there.

The spiritual part is hard to put a number on though. I want to grow Spiritually, I want to feel closer to God. Then to borrow a much used statement, I want to find myself. I know that I cant find myself though without growing spiritually because one is dependent on the other. Its who I am.

So today I start my journey back to me.

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