Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More cheap art

So, as you know, I really like to figure out ways to make things unique and functional while still staying on a budget.

This is more "art" from my collection. I found this fabric at Ikea last year and fell in love with it. I bought it thinking I would make pillows out of it or something. Well I had another one of those walls in my house (see previous post) that I had to fill. Instead of going to the hardware this time I decided to try to frame it. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and with 3 different coupons (see I told you I was cheap) I bought 3 poster frames. I placed the fabric around the backer board and after figuring out a pattern that I loved, cut it and stretched it around the back. I laid it in the frame, tightened the back and Voila, easy art!

Thankfully these fit into my new house just right.

Cheap, I mean, inexpensive, art work for the house

So in the last house that we rented I had massive 2 story walls that needed something on them. They were all contractor white paint and boring. Lets be honest here, no one wants to spend a ton of money on a house you know you aren't going to be in for very long. So I got creative. I looked all over for something, anything, to cover that space! I could find large art pieces but they were hundreds of dollars or well, just plain ugly.

So, it was up to me! I was already thinking I was going to have to bite the bullet and buy a canvas and do my own art work. Then I went to Ross one day and found a vinyl tablecloth that I loved. hmmmm that could work. So after weighing all of options I decided it was durable enough to hang if I built a strong enough frame. Now I have watched enough Trading Spaces in my life to know that light weight wood= MDF so off to the lumber store I go. *side note, have you ever notice how nice men are to women in lumber stores? Its like they think we're lost little sheep or something but I digress... Picked up the MDF and talked said nice man into cutting them to size for me and went merry way. I showed my then 15 year old son who looked at me with a rather puzzled look on his face but knows better than to question me when I've done something like this. He and I sat down in the living room with the staple gun, some wood glue and a couple of nails and a hammer. We quickly discarded the hammer and nails and resorted to a drill and some screws. It wasn't pretty but we managed to build a frame. Then we laid it on the back of the table cloth, stapled the cloth as best we could and this was our final result. Total cost of project? Under $15 all included. Not bad for a space that was roughly 10 X 19